Content Developers
NuVision realizes the power of synergy, therefore works in cooperation with organizations that have expert knowledge in their field. We bring their expertise into every system and provide you with training and collaborative events to familiarize you with the system. By bringing in years of experience in a particular modality, it adds a depth to the system that has never been seen before.
The NuVision system comes with the base module that is customizable to your needs. You can also choose to purchase a Content Module to benefit from years of experience. The idea is to select information or content that is relevant to you and only buy what you need.
Sustainable growth through online knowledge exchange
The tool makes it possible to let essential informational relations emerge from cooperation between researchers, coaches, therapists, medical doctors and students working with information in the same domain. You might consider it similar to an evolving organism, increasing intelligence, efficiency and enabling you to achieve huge goals. Clusters of universal relations emerge from this living knowledge base.
Content modules can easily be shared, enabling cooperation on different levels, in consultancy, in a company, a research project, resulting in a constantly improving and extending knowledge base.
Broaden your knowledge and discover the power of cooperating with colleagues and experts in your field.
Content Modules Available:
AccessHanna – Inspired by the life work of Hanna Kroeger
Planetary Healing by Deb McBride & John Cook