
Lori Morrison

(480) ‭‭‭559-0820
To Book an appointment:
Sedona, Arizona
Dominical, Costa Rica

Best-selling author and a mind, body and soul intuitive. Lori brings to her clients a new and innovative approach to healing and wellness. Almost ten years ago, Lori was gifted with the ability to see deep into the interdimensional fields of our existence. With unprecedented accuracy and success, she is able to read the energetic field around people and give them the underlying causes and best remedies to recover from all types of sickness and imbalance. She is especially gifted in working with difficult cases where there is little to no solution from mainstream medicine, getting to the underlying core of what is wrong and redefining the steps necessary for repair.

Lori is specially trained in the use of NuVision and Hanna Kroger Protocols. Lori works with clients all over the world. You do not need to be present in person as most sessions are done online.




Beverly Stowe

Entity clearing
Frequency shifting
Paranormal Activity Spiritual Disturbances Remotely Or In Person


Glenn Streeter

Exercise Physiologist
Energy Medicine for the 21st century
Boulder Colorado


Victoria Albright

Victoria has been a Natural, Alternative, & Complementary Health Advocate for more than 20 years. Learning from some of the most respected teachers in Energy Medicine, Victoria recognizes that a large part of the body is voltage and energy regulated, versus chemically regulated.

There are decades of research on non-traditional assessment, therapeutic, and supplemental protocols that assist in raising the body’s voltage and realigning and balancing energy meridians. Through NuVision, Victoria offers her clients a three-dimensional snapshot of the body’s energetic centers, and, through this view, areas of specific therapy may be targeted.

Victoria works with her clients to deliver the best in natural, alternative, and complementary protocols to assist the body in returning to a state of homeostasis. First NuVision session is $150.00 for 90-minutes. Follow-up sessions are $125 for 60-minutes.



Dr. Krista Griffin is a licensed Chiropractor with 27 years of experience. She holds certifications in Functional Medicine as well as Acupuncture and Reconnective Healing with additional trainings in Bio Resonance and is a member and alumnus of Dr. Joe Dispenza’s Health Care Practitioner Program, Inner Health Coalition. Frequently sought after for lectures, she is the creator of an 8-hour course to teach people how to harness the power of the mind to heal the body based on the brilliant works of Dr. Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton PhD, Gregg Braden, Zach Bush, MD, Physicist Nassim Haramein and, James Oschman PhD to name a few. 

Her passion for Energy Medicine became more than a hobby when her husband and son fell ill with Long COVID in 2022. Armed with the knowledge that the power that created the body heals the body and this power is a field of energy and information, changing the field changes the biology. This was the inspiration to pivot the entire practice to Frequency balancing using Bio Resonance and NuVision technologies to deal with the increased complexities of illnesses we face today. 

Inquiries for remote and in person appointment at the Lewes, DE location can be directed to



Whole Body and Emotional Health Assessment

Gut Health Coaching, Nutrition and Food Allergies

Emotional Clearing, Chemical Free Lifestyle, Thermography

Christine Banerjee MCHFS, CTT loves to walk alongside her clients uncovering the root causes of issues and offering natural options to recover their vitality and health. Utilizing a variety of tools to put their health puzzle pieces together and recommend a plan of action.

For more than half her adult life, Christine has helped people make small changes little by little to positively impact their health.   Certified in holistic nutrition; healing foods and gut health were her first tools in her tool box, believing nutrition is the foundation of health.  Followed by essential oils, thermography, holographic energy with NuVision and she became a Hanna Kroeger Practitioner in 2023. She is constantly seeking knowledge and is always learning new modalities to serve her clients. 

Christine has served hundreds of people to become healthier versions of themselves.  Her motto is ‘better than’, making changes one step at a time, each step better than the last.  She believes aging isn’t the cause of poor health.  Toxic load, unresolved emotions and nutrient depletion are behind the scenes wreaking havoc.  Discover what aspect is the most needed and your body can heal itself given the right tools.  




Julie Ray

Quantum Biofeedback Specialist, Certified Nutritional Consultant, Integrative Health Coach
Company: Infinite Potential Integrative Health I have been a natural health practitioner since 2000. As a mother of 2 small children, I began on my natural health path while looking for alternative methods for clearing food allergies. I found those answers and much more. In 2004 I started my own business and Infinite Potential Integrative Health was born. I offer Quantum biofeedback sessions, allergy elimination therapies, BEST and Emotion Code clearings, IonCleanse footbath sessions, and Holistic Life and nutritional coaching.

My goal is and always has been, to provide each individual client with the tools and unique therapies to restore vitality and flow to their body, mind and spirit. I continue to add to the many modalities offered to my clients. NuVision is the latest (and greatest) technology I have found for many years and I look forward to helping many more people reach their actual “infinite potential”



Melisa Robinson

Office: 916-947-4132

515 Court Street

Reno, Nevada 89501

Remote and in-person sessions available.

Melisa has been involved in natural healing for the last 17 years.  After getting pregnant with her first child, she started researching and questioning Western philosophies of medicine and healthcare. Her intuition was on high alert and she continued down the rabbit hole.  Funny how it takes something big for us to make changes in our life and take responsibility for our health.  For some, it is a cancer diagnosis (like her husband).  For others, it might be an accident, a chronic health challenge, or it could just be that one AHA! moment from seeing someone else’s story that gets us to start wondering, “Is there another way?” Melisa went through many transformative moments where she  began to really see her  existence and the power that we have to heal on all levels.   She became a stay-at-home mommy and eventually ended up with three beautiful children. It was during that time that her expedition into learning homeopathy, nutrition and other holistic healing modalities strengthened her purpose.  After her husband got diagnosed with cancer when her  youngest was only 3 months old, her dedication for inspiring our bodies to heal themselves became more immense.  

Melisa is a Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor and Certified Holistic Health Practitioner. Along with her education in Naturopathy, her background includes being a child and family therapist within a community model of mental health, having a 6-year extensive study in homeopathy, going through an expanded program with one of the top functional nutritionists, and becoming a Hanna Kroeger Practitioner.  She furthered her Naturopathy education with Trinity School of Natural Health and passed board exams.  Melisa’s work involves exploring and understanding what is truly asking to be healed in mind, body, and spirit and finding what is needed to bring the body back to balance with what nature has given us. She uses NuVision to help her identify and uncover root causes of illness and determine best approach to reset and clear out energies that may be blocking greater health.




Yolanda Badillo

Frequency is life force, its the breath of all existence. Without frequency how can we exist? It gives life, growth, knowledge, freedom, evolution, singularity, and its what affects us emotionally, spiritually, and physically. We feel it all the time whether we are conscious of it or not. When we do connect to it consciously and feel it we are able to distinguish a specific form of life in order for us to exist in balance. Color is another passion I have and the frequencies associated with it. The strong hints as well as the subtleties it lends to us without even having the conscious awareness, but yet in a deep and subconscious way affect all aspects of life. All life is frequency and once you tap into it you can feel your way to balance on levels you can not imagine. Its the song and dance of each of our lives. This is why I was pulled to become a NuVision practitioner, because it encompasses so many interweaving frequency layers and dimension within the system. And yet, still, while I have studied many different healing modalities over the last 35 years that I use to draw upon, what i love most about working with people is not about a particular system, it is about the way I am able to work with them. It is about assisting others to see their attachments and tap into their own ability to peel away the layers as they get their aha moments. I love most when people see possibilities within themselves that they never saw before, get better, and continue on with their process of growth, especially around their health and wellbeing.

Yolanda is a Diplomate of American Homeopathy, Holistic Health Coach, American Association of Drugless Practitioner, has her AS in Psychology, is a NES Practitioner, and a BWS Practitioner. For a full list of modalities, both ancient and modern that she practices, please visit her website.  




Gwen Foster


Gwen is a Hanna Kroeger practitioner, certified Master Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner, Neuro-Linguistic Hypnotherapist, Certified Biofeedback Technician and Personal Coach. Other modalities include Reiki, Matrix Energetics, SRT, EFT, and ECR. Gwen received her Bachelor of Natural Health Studies with Highest Honors from Clayton College of Natural Health in 2003. She uses NuVision with all clients to help identify blocks and imbalances. Her personal passion is working on underlying emotional conflicts and triggers with the help of Dr. Hamer and Michael Lincoln’s work. Gwen also uses herbs, homeopathy, flower essences, essential oils and nutrition to help her clients. Gwen was led to natural medicine because of her prior health issues of asthma, lupus, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia and suffered from allergies, insomnia, acid reflux and shingles before recovering her health in 2004. She decided to follow Hanna’s advice of “Help Yourself and then Others”.


Carol Culver

Carol is a Hanna Kroeger Practitioner certified in Hanna 1, 2, 3, and Access Hanna Training. She has also been certified in Hanna 1 Teacher training, at the Peaceful Meadow Retreat in Boulder Colorado, the home of Hanna Kroeger. Using a unique combination of Hanna’s work, NuVision, and intuitive readings, Carol finds the imbalances in her client’s physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. To restore balance Carol uses a variety of individually tailored techniques helping her clients to feel better naturally. These techniques include guided healings, energy clearings, releasing trapped emotions, herbal supplements, homeopathic remedies, and essential oils.


Khadijat Quadri, LPC, NCC, CHt

I was born in Nigeria to an ancient West African/Western Nigerian tribe and Kingdom called Ijebu. The Jebus date back to the Biblical Old Testament and there is much in the way of their migration patterns from Ethiopia, Ancient Egypt and Sudan. We the Jebus, have maintained ancient traditions of birth, death, spiritual rites and animistic communion. The Jebus were Spiritual Warriors in every sense, and I have maintained my gifts in spirit. 

I am licensed in the state of Texas as a mental health Professional Counselor with 25 years of experience in clinical mental health private practice, program development and implementation of community based mental health programs. My education includes advanced degrees in Mental Health Counseling, International Development and Conflict Resolution and Mastery in Global Mental Health Trauma and Recovery from Harvard Medical School. I also received additional training and routinely incorporates healing techniques such as the NuVision, Bioenergy and epigenetic biofeedback treatments, Contemplative Group Therapy, Transpersonal Psychology, Hypnotherapy, Reiki Energy Healing, Astrological Psychology, Advanced Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) Assessment, Advanced Integrative Therapy, Energy Psychology and Indigenous Shamanic Sound Healing.

My past experiences range from developing programs for refugee communities, infant mortality, grant writing and education programs for poor communities. I currently operate a transpersonal and intuitive counseling private practice in San Antonio Texas and have a wide range of practical experience in trauma and mental health recovery.

My practice has a ninety-five percent retention rate because of a creative and transpersonal approach that provides a full spectrum of the clients' cognitive, transcendental, and spiritual life path. Undertaking my own journey towards self-discovery, I weave gentle creative models that are insightful for MY clients journeys.

My personal quote: A healer should not be measured by their tools but by the measure of light within them. The light is what makes any tool effective. Just as a bad farmer with good tools cannot yield good  harvest, a healer not in the light cannot wield healing. God chooses His healers for they are the ones assigned to carry the light.



Yamini Bhatt


Yamini Bhatt is the founder of the Riddham Online Spiritual Center (ROSC). She is an ordained minister, Certified Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT), Spiritual Restructuring Teacher, Yoga & Meditation teacher, a Certified Prosperity Guide and a Certified Energy Codes Facilitator. Yamini is a graduate of Bhakti Vedanta Vedic School of Studies in Eastern philosophy.  A global leader in the field of consciousness and healing, Yamini has served on the Board of Directors for the Spiritual Response Association (SRA), an international organization that promotes empowerment through spiritual support, education and certification of its consultants and teachers worldwide. Yamini masterfully integrates her knowledge of spirituality and personal transformation with NuVision which is truly life changing. With profound success as a healer, intuitive and spiritual teacher, Yamini offers Soul Clearing sessions and transformational programs, conducts workshops and online trainings to shift consciousness, heal your mind, your body and your reality.


Kathy D. Carter

Spiritual Intuitive, Healer & Life Coach

(214) 245-2293

Bluff Dale, Texas

Do you ever feel like an outsider, as if you don't quite belong here? Are you overwhelmed by life's demands, sensing a calling deep within your soul that there's more you need to be doing, yet unsure of where to start?

Kathy understands as she’s gone through “the work” herself and has over 30 years of experience helping others on their healing journey.  Kathy assists in the permanent healing of past memories and traumas.  She helps you bring up unconscious beliefs and teaches you how stored emotions control your life.  She guides you to break repeating patterns of behavior, heal your inner children, and reclaim control over your life.

She is a Reiki Master, Frequency Healer, Spiritual Intuitive Coach, NuVision practitioner, and student of Hannah Kroeger’s work.  If you're ready to confront your shadow side, discover your true self, and commit to profound healing, Kathy is here for you.




Dr. Louise Swartswalter


For over twenty years, Dr. Louise Swartswalter has been helping transform lives individually and in groups using a unique multi- dimensional approach including Naturopathy, biofeedback, trauma release work, NLP, life coaching and energy work. 

Louise is the owner and founder of the Brain- Soul Success Academy and the creator of the BRAIN system TM, a five step transformational program serving clients worldwide. She is passionate about connecting; clearing blocks to success and helping others achieve their optimal health and highest potential. Using a combination of tools Louise has helped people move from anxiety to calm in one session.

Dr. Swartswalter’s unique multi – dimensional approach has helped 45,000 clients the last twenty years reach success in their lives. “Louise finds the things in me no one else finds.”  One client told her that “one session felt like sixteen years of therapy” while another said “she saved my life.”  Dr. Louise enjoys speaking and teaching globally and has shared with audiences on KOB-TV, Good Day New Mexico, KOB radio, as well during m events and professional organizations. Attend one of her powerful events and learn the BRAIN System tools. 

Schedule her for your next big event!


Lynn Chick

My interest in self care has led me through years of study (i.e., nutrition, essential oils, flower essences, herbs, homeopathy, etc.) of natural health. I have completed my certification as a Natural Health Professional at Trinity School of Natural Health. I am also a Hanna Kroeger Practitioner.



Debra Lee, D.PSc is the founder of Middle Tennessee’s Wellness Bridge Consulting and has been a resident since 1997.  She is a Traditional Naturopath, Certified Natural Health Practitioner, a Hanna Kroeger Practitioner, Lifestyle Coach and a NuVision Biofeedback Specialist. Other modalities include VSA - Voice Stress Assessment by Dr. Hamer’s New Medicine, Royal Rife Frequencies, Ionic Detox, Raindrop Massage, Emotional Release with Essential Oils and SOZO. 

Her personal passion is to educate and empower others to help them achieve wholeness (body, mind & spirit). Her focus is identifying and releasing underlying emotional causes and raising energic frequencies with the use of biofeedback, coaching, and natural products. With modern technology (video conferencing tools and NuVision) she works with clients throughout the United States and overseas.




Rick Ulmer
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I have always had an interest in holistic healing and while studying Clinical Acupuncture I developed a passion for how the body reacted when blockages were released and the correct energy patterns began to normalize and flow freely again. After completing my studies in Clinical Acupuncture in 1999, I then continued my studies at the International College of Bio-Energetic Medicine to learn about energy medicine with botanical and homeopathic remedies and how specific frequencies and potencies also assisted the human body to release the blockages within the body. Graduating is 2004, I certified as a Master “EAV” Practitioner specializing in electrodermal screening which is also known as Electro-acupuncture According to Voll or commonly expressed as EAV. Commissioned in 2005 with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, I have worked independently within various clinics in the West end of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. During that time, I have also certified as a Reiki Master (Okuden) and recently in early 2018 obtained certification in the unique Swiss method of the Atlas (Cervical C1) realignment known as AtlasProfilax. Recently when discovering the power of NuVision technology it very quickly became a natural extension of my work of the past 20 years. Since using NuVision I have also completed Hanna Kroeger studies Levels 1 & Level 2.



Deb is a professional astrologer, having studied astrology for most of her life, in addition to holding degrees in chemistry & mathematics. She has been featured in New York Magazine, The NY Times, NY Daily News,The Huffington Post, The Daily Mail (UK) and El Economista (Madrid) in addition to other online and print publications. 

Deb was first drawn to astrology as a child in the late 1960’s when it was very much a part of her life and surroundings. As an adult, she began her professional astrological counseling practice in 1986, and never ceases to be amazed by the workings of the human psyche. Deb studied advanced astrological counseling techniques with Michael Lutin using the work of psychiatrist Dr. Robert Langs. She enjoys the study of both personal and mundane astrology, particularly the research of psychological and cultural shifts represented by astrological cycles. Deb and her late partner John Cook created about half of the base workset including Planetary Healing in the NuVision system based on their combined experience in emotional healing and John’s practice in applied kinesiology, feng shui and regression. 

Deb is a certified Rainbow Crystal Reiki Master which is a 5D Lemurian Reiki system. She offers remote Reiki sessions and also teaches and certifies others in this beautiful system.

Deb has a certification in the Quantum Integration Coaching method which encompasses Neuro-linguistic programming and Neurosemantics. She uses these techniques to work with others in her Expansion Mentoring practice.

Deb is the financial manager for NuVision, LLC. She is available for consultations in astrology and the NuVision system, primarily in emotional clearing work. She works remotely from Costa Rica.




Nicole Fontijn
Phone number: +31 (0) 6 4633 8651

Years ago I started working with animals and humans using Bio-Resonance. Over time, I bought various devices, including NuVision, to get a good holistic view. With these devices, I am also able to treat humans and animals. In addition to the resonance therapy, I work with natural supplements, essential oils, and crystals.